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Judge authorizing high-profile arrests dies of COVID-19

Basmanny Court judge Yulia Safina, who led the trials in a number of high-profile cases in recent years, died from the consequences of the coronavirus in Moscow. This is reported by Telegram channel 112.

She was 39 years old. In May, Safina was deprived of her status by the decision of the qualification collegium of judges. However, she subsequently appealed against this decision and was reinstated as a judge. After returning, she was engaged only in administrative matters, and she held the last meeting in September.

During her career, Safina passed resolutions on a number of "high-profile" cases - she elected or extended preventive measures for the governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, the head of the Serpukhov region Alexander Shestun, Senator Rauf Arashukov, police officers in the case of journalist Ivan Golunov, and investor Michael Calvey.

In 2009, she appointed entrepreneur Ilya Sherman for seven years in prison. Subsequently, the Moscow City Court overturned this verdict, pointing to a "substantial" violation of the criminal procedure law by the court of first instance, noting that it "distorts the very essence of justice."

In September, Judge Natalya Repnikova, who passed a sentence to Alexei Navalny, died. A high-profile trial in her career was also the proceedings related to theft during the construction of the Vostochny Cosmodrome. Then she sentenced the defendants to terms from 4.6 to 8 years in prison.

Judge authorizing high-profile arrests dies of COVID-19