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Latvian police arrests “porno family”

Criminal police has arrested Sergey Mikhalkin and his wife Kseniya, living in Latvian Ogre. In Russia, the criminal case has been brought against the couple in connection with violent sexual acts of the father in relation to his underage daughter, a citizen of Russia.

The scandal running high this week has revealed that the couple made their little children to wear no clothes at home, sleep in their bed and watch their sex. It turns out, the role of son and daughter was not always limited to the one of observers. Mikhalkin had a blog where he posted photos and videos of his naked children and wife and described his relations with the seven-year-old daughter.

Russian Children’s Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov has addressed Riga police, demanding to investigate the case and take the children from the parents.

Latvian police arrests “porno family”