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Most Russian companies faced staff shortages in 2021

Most Russian employers faced a shortage of personnel in 2021, more than half were unable to find suitable candidates on the market. RIA Novosti writes about it with reference to the research of the developer of HR Tech-solutions TalentTech.

“Nine out of ten Russian companies (90%) in 2021 faced the problem of staff shortages. 63% said there were no candidates on the market that matched them. 40% complained that job seekers are increasingly refusing the job offered to them at the last moment. And every third employer (32%) suffered from hunting, as competitors began to lure other people's employees more often, ”the study says.

It is noted that representatives of small business complain about staff shortages less than others - 9% felt the influx of candidates, 6% did not notice the difference compared to 2020. 45% of medium-sized businesses faced the problem of a rejected offer, while large companies find it more difficult to find suitable specialists (70%).

Most of all, problems with personnel were complained about in the IT sphere: 33% of respondents noted difficulties in attracting developers, most often they mentioned Java developers and specialists in creating mobile applications.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian labor market is experiencing the strongest personnel shortage since 2014.

Most Russian companies faced staff shortages in 2021