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Society News

A patient from a Stavropol doctor who came to the hospital with a submachine gun called him calm and balanced.

In the city of Svetlograd, Stavropol Territory, anesthesiologist Andrei Miroshnichenko burst into a regional hospital and opened fire from a machine gun because of a quarrel with his wife. Patient Pavel Miroshnichenko said that he did not know what could be the reason for the conflict.

“I only know Andrei Miroshnichenko as a good doctor. What could serve as a reason for such an act, I do not know. Calm and balanced person. I've never heard of him having any conflicts. I don't know his wife. I saw it several times in a non-working environment, it seemed normal to me, ”he said.

Earlier, the surgeon-anesthesiologist Andrei Miroshnichenko, being intoxicated, came to the Svetlograd hospital for a "showdown" with his ex-wife, who worked as a nurse. He went to the hospital, hiding the Vepr rifle under his clothes. In the hospital, he fired several shots. The police detained the man. According to eyewitnesses, in the hospital Miroshnichenko did not threaten anyone and did not offer resistance during the arrest.

A patient from a Stavropol doctor who came to the hospital with a submachine gun called him calm and balanced.