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Buy a car, returning up to 130 thousand rubles: will the Russians be given such an opportunity

In Russia, there is no tax deduction for purchasing a car, although it is important for many categories of the population, such as large families and pensioners, said Anton Orlov, director of the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Politics. He considers it necessary to introduce such a mechanism. Read more in the material. The Ministry of Labor was proposed to introduce a tax deduction when buying a car. Director of the Institute for Research into Problems of Contemporary Politics Anton Orlov addressed the head of the department, Anton Kotyakov, with a corresponding initiative. The details of his letter to the minister on Thursday, December 30, are quoted by RT.

The expert recalled that in accordance with tax legislation, every Russian has the right to once use a tax deduction of up to 2 million rubles when purchasing real estate, having returned in the form of taxes paid 13% of this amount - up to 260 thousand rubles.

Such a tool is significant in the matter of material state support of citizens when buying an apartment or house, Orlov said.

At the same time, when buying a car, the presence of which is of great importance for many categories of the population - such as large families, pensioners - there is no tax deduction, he stated.

“In this regard, I ask you to assess the feasibility of introducing a tax deduction when buying a personal vehicle (worth up to 1 million rubles), which any citizen can use once during his life and return up to 130 thousand rubles,” the text says.

We add that from January 1, 2022, it will be possible to issue a social tax deduction for sports and recreation services. This will help to save up to 15.6 thousand rubles a year, noted the leading lawyer of the Eurasian Legal Association "Senator" Yuri Zakharov.

“The Russians will have the right to save 13% of the cost of paid services, but the limit for these needs, which also includes the cost of treatment, education, insurance and pension contributions, is no more than 120 thousand rubles a year. Thus, you can save up to a maximum of 15 600 rubles ", - quotes him as the agency" Prime ".

How the prices for cars will change

In turn, the Ministry of Industry and Trade believes that in 2022 the growth rate of prices for new cars will not be as significant as in 2021.

“We expect that the rate of growth in car prices next year will decrease,” the head of the department, Denis Manturov, quotes TASS.

He pointed out that about 20 billion rubles could be allocated for state support programs for demand next year. These programs include preferential car loans, leasing (including electric cars) and subsidies for the purchase of gas-powered vehicles. The decision to launch the programs will be made later: the authorities will build on the state of the Russian car market in 2021 and early 2022, as well as on the situation with a shortage of cars at dealerships.

Manturov said earlier that prices for domestically produced cars this year increased by 5-8%, and for imported ones - within 20%.

According to the Association of European Businesses, the automotive market shrank by 20.4% in November 2021

How Russians assess the situation on the auto market

74% of Russians believe that now is not the best time to buy a car, follows from a survey by the Romir company.

“If we compare with July 2021, then the pessimistic mood has only increased (+ 21%). This is reflected in a drop in new car sales since June, when demand peaked this year, ”the study says.

80% of motorists still believe that prices will continue to rise, and another 62% expect an increase in car loan rates. Because of this, owners are in no rush to dispose of their vehicles. More than half (56%) of them rate the current time as bad for sale.

“The market situation remains difficult. Manufacturers have not been able to fully overcome the microchip crisis and significantly increase car production. Dealers continue to take advantage of this scarcity and sell vehicles with optional equipment. The situation is aggravated by the fact that some manufacturers themselves have ceased to supply some models without special stages. These factors have a constraining effect on demand and, most likely, significant improvements can only be expected by the second half of 2022, ”the release notes.

Buy a car, returning up to 130 thousand rubles: will the Russians be given such an opportunity