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Cynologist named a useful treat for a dog for the New Year

The President of the Russian Cynological Federation, Vladimir Golubev, said that a dog should be taught from an early age not to beg for human food, you should be especially careful about festive dishes that are not suitable as a treat for your pet, you need to please the dog only with special treats. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

“Such a momentary weakness can darken your meeting of the new year due to the fact that the dog begins to have stomach problems. It is better to prepare healthy treats for your pet in advance and keep an eye on him during the feast, ”explained Golubev.

He noted that one should not assume that by denying a dog human food, a person is offending her in this way. It is better to attend to the preparation of a festive dish for your pet in advance. Golubev advised making dried, baked or sun-dried delicacies from organ meats, meat, fruits or vegetables. They can be given both individually and in combination with each other.

Earlier, Golubev spoke about the most popular dog breeds this year.

Cynologist named a useful treat for a dog for the New Year