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The expert told who is most prone to the severe course of fluron

Deputy Director for Clinical Work of the Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after V.I. G.N. Gabrichevsky Rospotrebnadzor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Tatyana Ruzhentsova said that there is a risk of a severe course of "fluron" in children under one year old and the elderly. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

According to the expert of the department, a severe form means the simultaneous illness of COVID-19 and the flu.

“Children under the age of one year and the elderly, those who have cardiovascular or broncho-pulmonary pathology, diabetes mellitus, have a much higher risk of severe and prolonged course,” she warned.

As Ruzhentsova clarified, among the factors affecting the severity of the disease, there may be vaccinations, chronic diseases. Timeliness of treatment is also important.

People who are not vaccinated and do not take precautions are most likely to get the coronavirus and flu at the same time, Ruzhentsova said.

The expert also drew attention to the great risk of facing two diseases at once in teachers and doctors.

Earlier it became known that the first developments on a single vaccine against influenza and COVID-19 will be presented this year.

The expert told who is most prone to the severe course of fluron