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Loginov with the words just done supported Latypov after the relay

Russian biathlete Eduard Latypov showed himself well at the last frontier of the Olympic relay race, there were very difficult weather conditions for shooting, said biathlete Alexander Loginov. His words are quoted by Sport-Express.

“This is the Olympic Games, this is a medal. It was a very difficult and interesting race. We are happy to be on the podium. Latypov - well done! Today was very difficult weather conditions. It was very hard to shoot. I know all this and have been through it. He's just great. We must rejoice at this medal, ”said Loginov.

Russians Loginov, Karim Khalili, Maxim Tsvetkov and Latypov took bronze in the 4 x 7.5 km relay at the Beijing Olympics.

Russian biathlete bursts into tears after losing gold at the Olympics 2022 Olympics The Russian team was in the lead from the first stage thanks to good shooting. At the last firing line, Latypov made five misses and went to two penalty loops. After the finish, he could not hold back his tears.

Loginov with the words just done supported Latypov after the relay