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Passenger beaten by Mike Tyson may punish ex-world champion

The passenger of the plane, who was beaten by the former world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, has hired a lawyer for a possible appeal to the court, reports R-Sport, citing TMZ.

The conflict occurred on the plane: Tyson was supposed to fly from San Francisco to Florida, and before the flight he decided to take a picture with other passengers. The victim first took a photo with a 55-year-old American, and then tried to talk to him, sitting behind his back.

"Obviously one of the greatest boxers of all time had to exercise great restraint before using his fists on his overly excited fan," attorney Matt Morgan told the publication.

There were unexpected details about the man beaten by Tyson

We add that Tyson first asked the young man to stop, and when this did not happen, he struck him several times in the face and left the plane. According to a source close to the athlete, the victim was drunk and provoked Tyson.

According to the lawyer, his client is a big fan of Tyson. At first, their communication was warm, but at some point the ex-boxer did not like the behavior of the fan, after which he began to beat him. The lawyer noted that this situation could have been avoided by simply contacting the flight attendant.

The victim's name is Melvin Townsend, 36, according to TMZ. He previously served time twice for fraud, grand larceny, burglary, possession of prohibited substances and trafficking in stolen goods. He initially refused to press charges against Tyson.

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Passenger beaten by Mike Tyson may punish ex-world champion