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House of martial arts

Russia (, - The construction of the International Sambo and Boxing Center in Luzhniki is entering the home stretch. And although construction work is still in full swing here, the center is already attracting attention, including foreign visitors.

The construction site was recently visited by the first foreign delegation representing the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Senegal. Sports functionaries examined the part of the building where the sambo center is located.

Guests from an African country came to us to get acquainted with the experience of their Russian colleagues in organizing major competitions, as well as to visit sports facilities. Senegal will host the Youth Olympic Games in 2026, so the interest is understandable.

The list of places to visit includes the International Sambo and Boxing Center under construction in Luzhniki. The acquaintance with him among foreign guests began from the lobby of the sambo block, where the installation of the ceiling system and engineering equipment is being completed. Then the guests moved to the training hall - a huge room with an area of ​​more than 1.3 thousand square meters. “Up to five groups of athletes will be able to train here at the same time,” says Sergey Tabakov, Executive Director of the International Sambo Federation (FIAS). “There will be a special one-piece carpet covering 50 by 14 meters on the floor. The height of the hall is 18 meters, and there is an idea to equip its side walls also a climbing wall. It will be useful both in the training of sambists themselves and for rock-climbing masters. "

But the main feature of the training hall is the sloping mirrored ceiling. Thanks to him, it will be possible to observe how the athletes are doing right from the street. At the time of the visit of foreign guests, the builders were just assembling the panels that make up the ceiling. These are stainless steel sheets measuring 1 by 2 meters, polished to a mirror finish. Each panel weighs 40 kilograms.

A sloping mirrored ceiling will allow you to watch the training of athletes right from the street

The next stop is a huge competition arena with three wrestling mats, with stands that can accommodate 1600 spectators. Above the stands there is a media balcony, where journalists will work, a balcony for VIP guests is located even higher. But while builders are working here, there are several car lifts at different ends of the hall and work is in full swing. "Now they are installing a bypass bridge for servicing engineering communications, including acoustic systems and lighting systems. We have started installing acoustic panels, we have increased requirements for them, since in addition to sports competitions, they plan to hold other events, including concerts," explains Rafik Zagrutdinov, head of the Moscow construction department. - The stands for spectators are almost ready, they have been finished, now we are making a guide beam for the subsequent installation of seats. The base for the media screen is already ready, and the walls of three skyboxes are being erected in the area for VIP guests for visiting top officials ".

Outside the building, finishing of the facade is being completed. Its lower part is covered with panels in the style of the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena and the Olympic complex in general. In parallel, the metal frame of the street screen is mounted. The general construction readiness of the building is 72%. Construction is going on around the clock; in total, the facility employs 1,550 people and 20 pieces of equipment. The number of interior decorators is planned to be increased to speed up the process. After all, in January, furniture and exercise equipment will be delivered to the construction site, and the installation of sports surfaces will begin. The facility is scheduled to be fully completed at the end of the first quarter of 2022.

But its construction began relatively recently - in July last year. First of all, the builders had to take out the engineering communications that fall into the future building spot - sewage, water supply, electrical cables. The main feature of this facility is its uneasy location - in the center of the city and on the territory of the Luzhniki Olympic complex. The Third Ring Road passes 10 meters behind the building, which created difficulties in the construction of structures. In front, at a distance of 20 meters, there are 220 kV high-voltage cable lines, on the right and on the left there are underground and overground pedestrian crossings, respectively. Construction is underway in cramped conditions. In December 2020, when the installation of metal trusses weighing 78 tons each with the help of a 750-ton crane began, it was even necessary to completely block off Luzhniki Street. We changed the traffic scheme.The Sambo and Boxing Center under construction made a great impression on the guests from Senegal. “The most memorable thing is the mirrored ceiling in the training hall, I have never seen anything like it,” shares the head of the delegation, President of the Senegal NOC Mamadou Dianya Ndiaye. innovation in construction. We will host the Youth Olympic Games in Senegal, and we were very inspired by what we saw and have already asked for the contacts of architects and the group in charge of construction. We are also going to cooperate with the Russian Olympic Committee, exchange ideas on the preparation of facilities and athletes. "

The total area of ​​the International Sambo and Boxing Center is more than 45 thousand square meters. It is equally divided between the two sports, which, although they are under the same roof, do not overlap with each other. In total, the building has seven floors, plus one underground, where technical rooms and a parking lot for 108 cars are located. Five floors are made of reinforced concrete, and the top two are made of metal structures. This made it possible to reduce the dimensions of the metal beams on the upper floors and to increase the usable area of ​​the sports halls.

The construction of sports facilities is as important a direction of urban policy as the construction of social facilities - schools, kindergartens and clinics

In the sambo center, it will be possible not only to hold competitions, but also to prepare for them. For this there is a training arena with changing rooms, a gym, and a medical rehabilitation center. There is also a 25-meter swimming pool with 6 lanes, a sauna and hammam block, a universal games room and a conference hall for 200 seats, which is planned to be equipped with modern multimedia facilities. The new center will also house the offices of the International and All-Russian Sambo Federations and a museum of this sport. It is planned to place there unique exhibits related to the history of sambo, reflecting the entire path of its development. There will also be informative information. There are even projects offering to organize a simulation of virtual fights. Something like a computer game that will allow each visitor to feel a little like a sambist.

The center has turned out to be truly universal and will be able to host a variety of events. "Competitions can be held here for both professional athletes and amateurs, ranging from city SAMBO tournaments to world championships. Plus, our site is quite suitable for competitions in other sports," says Alexander Korsik, chief of staff of the President of the International SAMBO Federation ... According to him, the center is supposed to gather a strong coaching staff and conduct trainings in both sports sambo and combat. There will also be located educational and methodological classes, where classes, seminars for coaches, judges, etc. will be held.

In addition, the new center is intended to become a kind of international Sambo House - the main place for this sport in the whole world, where athletes, coaches, referees from different countries will come to see how the training process should be structured and learn from the best Russian specialists. in the homeland of sambo.

"The International Sambo and Boxing Center in Luzhniki is a unique sports facility that has no analogues in the world. It is designed to ensure the high status of Moscow as a new world center for the development of martial arts," said Rafik Zagrutdinov, head of the Moscow Construction Department. but we have made every effort to do it much faster, because the construction of sports facilities is as important a direction of city policy as the construction of social facilities - schools, kindergartens and clinics. It is about the health of citizens, the formation of a cult of a healthy lifestyle, and hence, ultimately, and an increase in life expectancy. "

House of martial arts