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Forbes has published the ranking of the highest paid celebrities of 2022

Director Peter Jackson has been named the highest paid celebrity of 2022 by Forbes magazine. He made $580 million selling his stake in visual effects studio Weta Digital.

In second place was Bruce Springsteen, who earned $435 million by selling the rights to his music to Sony Music Group. Behind him is rapper Jay-Z with $340 million in assets. He managed to earn so much after selling his part in the music service Tidal and on the champagne brand Armand de Brignac.

In addition, the top ten highest paid celebrities also included: actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson ($270 million), rapper Kanye West ($235 million), creators of the animated series "South Park" Matt Stone and Trey Parker ($210 million), musician Paul Simon ( $200 million), directed by Tyler Perry ($165 million), OneRepublic vocalist Ryan Tedder ($160 million) and rock musician Bob Dylan ($130 million).

Earlier, Forbes named the leaders of the rating of the Russian commercial real estate market.

Forbes has published the ranking of the highest paid celebrities of 2022