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Russia - An analyst told when to sell rubles

Russia (, - If a person does not need cash rubles for planned purchases, then it is better to transfer part of this money into foreign currency. The head of the investment strategies department of BCS World of Investments Maxim Shein told the Prime agency about this.

"You will always have time to return. If you need rubles, then buy them. It doesn't matter if you want to buy a refrigerator with them or government bonds," the expert explained.

The issue of buying and selling currency also depends on the volumes and goals. According to the specialist, if we are talking about a small amount, then the choice of the moment is not fundamental. If a person has large savings in dollars, then it is worth relying on the theory of probability.

"If you decide to sell tomorrow, the probability that you will be able to sell at a higher price is 95%. Not much more expensive, but if you need to get rid of $ 100,000, the gain will be significant. If you wait a week, the probability of a successful outcome will be 62%, two weeks - 58% ", - said Shein.

Regardless of the amount of funds, they must be kept in income-generating assets. Otherwise, inflation will "eat up" savings every day, the analyst concluded.

Russia - An analyst told when to sell rubles