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Retailers have warned of delays in the supply of vegetables and fruits from abroad

Russian retail chains faced delays in the supply of imported fruits and vegetables due to increased control by Rospotrebnadzor over the import of products from abroad. Vedomosti writes about it.

Due to the fact that products began to pass the border much longer, as more time was devoted to inspections and quarantine, some imported vegetables and fruits were in short supply. This situation has led to higher prices.

According to a representative of one of the retail chains, delays in deliveries to the port of Novorossiysk averaged more than seven days, and in some cases began to reach up to three weeks. Because of this, the quality of the delivered goods began to decline.

A representative of the Verny network noted that now there are delays in the supply of oranges, lemons, grapefruits and Turkish tangerines. According to him, this is due to the fact that the deadlines for the receipt by suppliers of declarations of conformity for imported goods have been changed. So, they grew from three to five days. Because of this, suppliers have tripled their purchase prices.

On February 9, it was reported that officials may ask transport companies not to raise tariffs for the transportation of products. The initiative is connected with the fact that the authorities are trying to strengthen control over the formation of prices for products throughout the chain.

Retailers have warned of delays in the supply of vegetables and fruits from abroad