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British power engineers apologize for mocking energy saving tips

The British energy company Eney Ovo, the third in the country in terms of electricity supply, has apologized for the previously released "10 simple tips on how to stay warm this winter." The list was published in the Financial Times.

Among the methods listed for warming, there appear such as: hugging pets, arranging a hula hoop spinning competition, jumping or vigorously cleaning. And also - eat more ginger, leave the oven open after cooking.

The energy company said it is trying hard to find effective solutions in the face of the looming energy crisis and admits that "the advice was poorly thought out and proved to be of no benefit."

Labor has already called the recommendations "clownish and depressing", especially in an environment where some people will have to choose: turn on the heating or buy food.

Over the past four months, high gas prices have pushed more than twenty UK energy companies into bankruptcy despite higher tariffs. At the same time, it is expected that electricity prices will rise again in April, after which one household will have to pay about 2 thousand pounds (more than 200 thousand rubles) per year for it.

British power engineers apologize for mocking energy saving tips