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The State Department will allocate funds to combat the brain drain from Serbia

The US State Department plans to allocate funds - about $ 160 thousand - for a special program in Serbia, which, in particular, involves combating the "brain drain". It is reported by RT.

The program also involves the promotion of the English language in Serbia - this helps "develop critical thinking and media literacy."

Potential contractors will have to submit projects in which language training will solve the problems of brain drain and the spread of disinformation in the Balkan republic.

The initiative notes that the proposed program can contribute to the development of cooperation between Serbs and Americans and citizens of EU countries.

Earlier, Admiral Robert Burke, Commander of the US Naval Forces in Europe and Africa, said that "NATO views Serbia as a valuable, respected and important partner" and that "NATO provides additional support to Serbia in the areas of state diplomacy, political dialogue and military reforms."

In October, Serbia permanently refused to join NATO. As Serbian Interior Minister Alexander Vulin noted, the country under the current leadership will strictly observe military neutrality and will not support sanctions against Russia.

The State Department will allocate funds to combat the brain drain from Serbia