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The State Department announced the proximity of the United States and Europe to the coordination of sanctions against Russia

US State Department adviser Derek Chollet told The Financial Times that the US and EU are "pretty close" to agreeing on a package of potential sanctions aimed at deterring Russia from attacking Ukraine.

“We are rapidly moving forward, and if unforeseen circumstances arise in which Russia moves, we will be ready,” Chollet said.

He warned that sanctions would be dynamic, subject to constant additions and changes as allies seek to maintain pressure on Moscow.

Western countries threaten Russia with unprecedented sanctions in the event of an escalation in Ukraine.

It is noted that some EU member states have expressed concern about the impact of further Russian sanctions on their economies. Thus, The Wall Street Journal wrote that Europe's dependence on oil and gas supplies from Russia will not allow it to impose serious sanctions on Moscow in the event of a deterioration in relations with the United States. At the same time, officials are confident that Europe will back the US in its promise of swift and tough sanctions.

The State Department announced the proximity of the United States and Europe to the coordination of sanctions against Russia