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The British were delighted with the picture in the photo of Shoigu and Wallace

British Twitter users were delighted with the picture, which hung in the background in a joint photo of Russian and British defense ministers Sergei Shoigu and Ben Wallace and chiefs of staff Valery Gerasimov and Tony Radakin.

Soldiers were photographed in front of a piece depicting Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, General Dwight Eisenhower and Marshals Georgy Zhukov and Jean de Tassigny among soldiers celebrating victory in World War II.

“Fantastic portrait,” writes one user.

“I hope you apologized for sending [British Foreign Secretary Liz] Truss to Moscow in the first place,” said another commentator.

Some expressed confidence that these negotiations went better than Truss's visit to Moscow and thanked the military that they decided to "put things in order" after the diplomat's trip.

The situation in Europe has escalated due to the escalation of tension around Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated at talks with his British counterpart Ben Wallace. The head of the Russian Defense Ministry also focused on the lack of answers to Moscow's key security demands from Washington and NATO. More details - in the material.

The British were delighted with the picture in the photo of Shoigu and Wallace