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Russia - Sanitary doctors named five products from the winter blues

Russia (, - At the end of winter, when the body is weakened by temperature changes and lack of sunlight, a special role is given to nutrition. Petersburg sanitary doctors have compiled the top five products that will help get rid of the February blues.

As follows from the memo prepared by the St. Petersburg Rospotrebnadzor, the first place among the products that give strength and positive emotions is occupied by meat. Chicken, beef and pork contain tyrosine, an amino acid that increases the level of dopamine, it is called one of the hormones of happiness, as well as norepinephrine, it is classified as a wakefulness neurotransmitter. In addition, meat contains B12, this vitamin helps to overcome insomnia.

The compilers of the rating gave the second place to bananas. They contain tryptophan, an amino acid that can be transformed in the body into another hormone of happiness - serotonin. It can relieve anxiety and improve mood, and vitamin B6 contained in bananas strengthens the nervous system and helps fight chronic fatigue.

The third place in the list was occupied by chocolate. Cocoa beans contain phenylethylamine, it affects the production of endorphins. Magnesium is also present in chocolate, it strengthens the nervous system and helps fight stress.

But the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor emphasizes that not all chocolate is equally healthy. The necessary substances are found only in dark chocolate, which contains at least 78 percent of cocoa beans. The benefits of confectionery tiles and other chocolate-containing products have been repeatedly called into question by sanitary doctors.

There are also non-obvious products that can cheer you up. For example, the fourth place in the ranking was taken by sea kale, it helps to compensate for the lack of adrenaline, it is produced when the body has enough vitamins of group B. Sanitary doctors note that with a lack of adrenaline, a person may feel chronic fatigue and deterioration of the emotional background. Regular use of seaweed, of course, if it is not contraindicated for you, allows you to solve this problem.

Closes the rating ... porridge. It also contains tryptophan, just like bananas. Most of all it is in oatmeal and buckwheat. Also, according to sanitary doctors, cereals help regulate blood sugar, which affects insulin levels, it delivers tryptophan to the brain.

Russia - Sanitary doctors named five products from the winter blues