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Zakharova responded to the words of the head of the British Foreign Office about the invasion of Russia in the Baltic states after Ukraine

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on the statement by British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss that after Ukraine, the Russian president intends to annex the Baltic states.

“And Liz Truss is not as simple as it seems. The Englishwoman saw through our insidious plans to capture the Kaliningrad region, ”wrote Zakharova in the Telegram channel.

Earlier, the head of the British Foreign Office, in an interview with the Daily Mail, said that Russian President Vladimir Putin would continue to wage war with neighboring countries, "if he is allowed to invade Ukraine." According to her, the Baltic countries and the Western Balkans are in danger.

In recent months, statements have been made in the West, and in Kiev in particular, that Russia is allegedly preparing an “invasion” of Ukraine. In turn, the Kremlin has more than once directly denied any plans for an attack, and reports from Western media and officials about the preparation of an attack are called unfounded and untrue.

Zakharova responded to the words of the head of the British Foreign Office about the invasion of Russia in the Baltic states after Ukraine