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Italian ambassador to Australia dies while on holiday at home

Italian Ambassador to Australia Francesca Tardioli died while on holiday in her hometown of Foligno. According to Corriere di Umbria, she died on February 19, falling from a balcony from the fourth floor.

The 57-year-old woman is believed to have lost her balance by leaning over the railing. However, there is a version that the fall was not an accident. Investigators are trying to figure out exactly what happened.

Francesca Tardioli has worked in the diplomatic corps since 1991. She entered the service after graduating in political science from the University of Perugia and receiving a master's degree from the Italian Society of International Organizations. Throughout her diplomatic career, she has worked in embassies and consulates in Albania, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and in the representation to NATO.

As stated in the Italian Foreign Ministry, she will be remembered with love for her wonderful professional and human qualities.

Italian ambassador to Australia dies while on holiday at home