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US Doctors urged the Defense Department to offer medical care to transgender troops

The American Medical Association on Monday challenged the military’s policy barring transgender troops, stating in a resolution that there is “no medically valid reason” to disqualify them from serving. The association urged the Defense Department to offer medical care to transgender troops consistent with the type of treatment that is readily available to civilians.

While the Defense Department’s health care regulations are designed to “maintain and restore health,” the statement notes that military doctors are now barred from providing “safe, effective and medically necessary” treatment to service members who are transgender.

President Obama and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter should move swiftly to repeal that discriminatory policy so that thousands of transgender Americans in uniform have the option to serve openly.

The Army and the Air Force issued new policies earlier this year that made it harder for commanders to discharge transgender troops.

US Doctors urged the Defense Department to offer medical care to transgender troops