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UN establishes World Day Against Islamophobia

At the suggestion of Pakistan and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Tuesday, the UN approved the World Day against Islamophobia, which will be celebrated on March 15, Arab News reported.

The decision was made exactly two years after the execution of visitors to the mosque, as well as the Islamic cultural center in the city of Christchurch in New Zealand.

“Islamophobia is a reality. Its manifestations are hate speech, discrimination and violence against Muslims. Such hostility against individuals, communities and peoples is a gross violation of human rights and violates his right to freedom of religion,” said Munir Akram, the author of the resolution.

Women and girls are often the first victims of Islamophobia because of their clothing and the widespread stereotype that they are oppressed and should be set free, said the representative of Pakistan. He called Islamophobia a poorly understood phenomenon that often echoes nationalism and racism.

The resolution was adopted after two years of discussions. For the first time, the idea of ​​creating a Day against Islamophobia was expressed in Mecca in 2019.

UN establishes World Day Against Islamophobia