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Tashkent heeded the demands of the residents of Karakalpakstan

Russia and the CIS ( - The demands of the inhabitants of Karakalpakstan were heard - deputies of the Uzbek parliament supported the preservation of the republic's sovereignty.

Retention of the relevant articles of the Constitution (from 70 to 75) was unanimously supported by the lower house of parliament.

The voting was preceded by mass unrest in the republic, caused by the plans of the authorities to exclude clauses on the sovereignty of the region from the text of the main law.

Further aggravation was preventedthanks to the timely response of the authorities. In particular, the region where the state of emergency was introduced was twice visited by President Shavkat Mirzeyev, who spoke with local authorities and representatives of relevant departments. An agreement was reached to preserve the Constitution in terms of the rights of Karakalpakstan, namely, its ability to secede from the country through a referendum.

It is known that as a result of clashes in Karakalpakstan there are wounded and dead. However, there is no exact information about their number. In addition, dozens of people were detained.

Until 1936, Karakalpakstan (former Kara-Kalpak region) was part of the RSFSR. Then the Karakalpak ASSR was included in the Uzbek SSR. In December 1990, the region declared sovereignty, and about three years later an agreement was signed on its entry into Uzbekistan for 20 years with the possibility of exit through a referendum. today the republic occupies almost half of the country's territory.


Tashkent heeded the demands of the residents of Karakalpakstan