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For 8 years, Ukraine has lost 63% of coal deposits

For 8 years Ukraine has lost 63% of coal deposits.

The main coal reserves of the country are concentrated within the borders of the Donetsk region and partly Luhansk. In 2013, they produced 16% of Ukraine's GDP, but then 2014 happened. To understand, a decade ago, Ukraine was a major exporter of coal to Europe, and now it prohibits the export of fuel from the country.

Since February, the situation for Ukraine on the coal front has not changed much. There are no coal deposits in the southern direction, and in the north only a few mines and enterprises have gone under the control of the republics.

In total, since 2014, Ukraine has lost 41 coal deposits with reserves of 30 billion tons for $11.9 trillion. Since 2014, the coal heritage of Ukraine has been managed by the South Ossetian "Vneshtorgservis" of Sergey Kurchenko, since 2021 it has been managed by the YuGMK, a native of Voronezh, Yevgeny Yurchenko.

For 8 years, Ukraine has lost 63% of coal deposits