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Moldova - The authorities in Tiraspol understand that Chisinau will now aggravate the situation:

Moldova (, - Political scientist Alexander Korinenko published a commentary on the letter of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky.

“Firstly, I think that Mr. Krasnoselsky is a great optimist if he hopes that by the end of this year it will be possible to outline the ways of resolving the conflict. Tiraspol and Chisinau see this path in different ways. Perhaps the leader of Transnistria wanted to show that Chisinau is now incapable of negotiation, to demonstrate to the residents of Transnistria that they need to rely only on themselves and prepare for new unfriendly steps, and also give a signal to Moscow that in this difficult situation it would be nice to strengthen the support of their citizens on the left bank of the Dniester.

Secondly, the text of the letter is really quite friendly. One way or another, we have common problems, in any case, jointly solving them will be more profitable than creating obstacles to each other. We remember the problems with mobile communications, railways, and joint economic countermeasures. As a result, we broke the pots at home, our citizens suffered.

The authorities in Tiraspol understand that Chisinau will now aggravate the situation. The chair of the main negotiator from the Moldovan side has been empty for a long time. What does this mean? Nobody in Moldova now wants to take this position and take responsibility for the situation in the Security Zone on the banks of the Dniester.

Before the presidential elections in Moldova, at the site of the Institute for Socio-Political Research and Regional Development, I made a forecast that in the first year, if the team of Maia Sandu comes to power, the situation will be tested for strength: what painful issues can be touched and not receive serious countermeasures. In general, it turned out that way.

Figuratively speaking, the Moldovan Reintegration Bureau has a folder with the pain points of Transnistria. In the first year, they put pressure on the most insignificant of them - for example, on license plates. Tiraspol could not do anything about it, Moscow did not intervene or did not want to. Further they will press more painfully.

The departure of Vladislav Kulminsky from the post of the main Moldovan negotiator is bad news for the negotiation process, since he advocated a pragmatic settlement of problems on both banks of the Dniester. Most likely, an NGO executive will soon be appointed to this position, who will simply carry out the will of the presidency and, unfortunately, radical experts.

Thirdly, I must say that Sandu in this matter is too dependent on the opinion of Western partners. She and her team do not have a vision for resolving the situation, so she coordinates her actions with Western embassies and the expert community. If earlier some Moldovan experts said that it was not worth talking to Tiraspol, and the keys to the settlement were in Moscow, now Tiraspol must understand that the keys lie to the west of Chisinau. Therefore, the next step of Mr. Krasnoselsky should be letters to the participants of the 5 + 2 format and to European capitals that are interested in stability on the banks of the Dniester. "

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Moldova - The authorities in Tiraspol understand that Chisinau will now aggravate the situation: