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Android games finally come to Windows: you can already download them to your PC directly from Google Play

Google has officially launched a beta testing period for a feature that allows you to download games from the Google Play Store on your Windows PC. Users from certain regions can already try out cross-platform play.

Google hasn't been specific about how the company plans to support cross-platform play, other than that it will require a Google-made app to be installed on a PC. Some have a "Download to Windows" button on the desktop version of Google Play, and clicking on it downloads an executable file for Windows.

It was previously promised that "players will be able to pick up where they left off" on smartphones, tablets, Chromebooks and other platforms. That is, you can save on one platform and continue playing on another.

The initial beta was limited to South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, but users outside of those regions confirm they can try out the functionality as well. It looks like the testing process is moving along quite quickly, so soon you will be able to play your favorite games for Android and PC.

Google has already asked game developers to optimize their games for keyboard and mouse, not just touch.

Android games finally come to Windows: you can already download them to your PC directly from Google Play