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One Swipe Offer - our code is looking for a couple on dating services


M.Video-Eldorado launched the One Swipe Offer project, timed to coincide with February 14 - Valentine's Day and Geek Day. Our code in the form of a girl and a boy is looking for a mate on dating services in order to invite them to a meeting and make an offer with mutual sympathy.

For the holiday, we registered the male and female profiles of our Naked Code in the Tinder and Bumble dating apps - we exposed a fragment of the current code from the M.Catalog product especially for the project.

IT professionals who swipe Naked Code will get to know our code. Communication resembles a regular online dating, where everyone asks questions to get to know a partner and make sure the swipe is correct. In this case, the questions are IT-oriented. With mutual sympathy, an invitation will arrive for a meeting with recruiters on February 18 to continue the acquaintance.

For those who do not use dating services, there is a chat bot in Telegram with questions from M.Video-Eldorado IT leads - @NakedCode_Bot. and also an invitation to meet in person.

Last year, we used the dating format, launching the “Day of Computer People in Love” chatbot on Telegram by February 14, which was used by about 1,200 people, 60 potential candidates ended up on a “date” with team leads.

One Swipe Offer - our code is looking for a couple on dating services