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Science & Technology News

Mintsifry against the tax on international gaming platforms

Before the news about the tax on international gaming platforms had had time to insist, a refutation from the Ministry of Digital Investigation arrived in time.

The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia informs that the funding of the Fund for Supporting the Development of Game Projects is not planned at the expense of any fees from foreign game distribution sites.

Preparation of proposals for the creation of a Fund to support the development of game projects (computer, mobile and online games) that popularize Russian culture and history is provided for by the second package of measures to support the IT industry. The expected effect is to increase the attractiveness of investments in computer game development projects and the development of the video game development segment.

“The introduction of any taxes or fees on foreign digital companies or services, including game distribution, is not considered given the ongoing work at the OECD platform to restructure the taxation system for global international companies (the so-called Pillar 1, Pillar 2). Russia is actively participating in this work and will not make any unilateral decisions,” explained Maxim Parshin, Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development.

Mintsifry against the tax on international gaming platforms