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Scientists: COVID-19 increases the risk of developing mental disorders by 60%

People who have recovered from COVID-19 are 60% more likely to suffer from mental disorders, researchers from Saint Louis University found. They talked about this in an article in The BMJ magazine.

The fact that people who have had COVID-19 may be more prone to mental disorders was previously suspected by experts, but there was not enough complete data on the consequences for the psyche. To find out how big the risks are, the authors of the work collected information about the state of the psyche of 154 thousand people who recovered from COVID-19, and compared the data with information about 11.5 million who were not ill.

Those who had COVID-19 had an average 60% higher risk of developing mental illness in the future. They mostly experienced sleep disorders, depressive states, cognitive impairment and substance abuse. Those who had to be hospitalized were at the highest risk.

The bulk of the sample consisted of older white men, so for other categories of people, the risks may differ, the authors note. However, in general, it seems that the fight against mental disorders among people who have had COVID-19 should be an important task.

Scientists: COVID-19 increases the risk of developing mental disorders by 60%