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Russia - Narcologist told how to restore the liver after the holidays

Russia (, - Protracted New Year holidays often become a serious test for the liver - due to the abundance of alcohol and heavy food. You can help restore this vital organ with the help of a special diet.

The first step is to completely abandon alcohol for a while, but on the contrary, increase the intake of drinks containing vitamin C. In addition, it is necessary to use cottage cheese more often - it contains methionine, an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on the liver, narcologist Ruslan Isaev said on Sputnik radio.

According to the expert, walks in the fresh air also help to speed up the metabolism, and, therefore, rid the body of the negative consequences of drinking alcohol. If there is such an opportunity, it is advisable to generally spend some time outside the city, for example, in a boarding house where a diet with proper nutrition is offered.

But all these recommendations relate to relatively moderate drinking on holidays. If you still can’t get away, then you should seek help from specialists.

Earlier, Rossiyskaya Gazeta wrote that coffee has a beneficial effect on liver health. Drinking this drink significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Russia - Narcologist told how to restore the liver after the holidays