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Otolaryngologist says 'omicron' could usher in 'era of the deaf'

Otolaryngologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Vladimir Zaitsev said that if the coronavirus or its strain “omicron” affects the auditory nerve, then the person will experience hearing problems, and the “era of the deaf” will begin in the world. It is reported by URA.RU.

“If the coronavirus infection, omicron, because it is neurotropic (a virus that can infect nerve cells), starts to affect the auditory nerve, it will end very, very badly, because we will have a fairly large era of the deaf. What can be done to prevent this from happening? You need to be treated,” the doctor said.

He emphasized that "omicron" could not mutate before such an impact on the body, it is necessary to rid the sick person of it as soon as possible.

Earlier, the general practitioner Nadezhda Chernyshova told what problems with the throat infection with the Omicron strain of coronavirus can lead to.

The specialist stressed that only a doctor can prescribe treatment. You can independently gargle with a decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula, or a mixture of these herbs, she added.

Otolaryngologist says 'omicron' could usher in 'era of the deaf'