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Named products that can not be consumed during a pandemic

Dietitian, doctor of medical sciences Mikhail Ginzburg said that during the coronavirus pandemic, Russians should refrain from foods containing a lot of sugar, fried meat and cold drinks. It is reported by URA.RU.

“There are foods that are not very desirable in a pandemic. These are, first of all, foods rich in sugar, and foods like meat, especially fried. A very important point concerns not only the name of the products, but some other physical properties, for example, not to use cold drinks in the midst of an epidemic. Especially, this applies to dairy, sour-milk drinks from the refrigerator, ”said the nutritionist.

He noted that people should add and increase foods that contain vitamin D in their diet.

Earlier, dietitian Elena Solomatina advised to drink vitamins C, D, B12, zinc and omega-3 for a better immune response in case of infection with the "omicron" strain of coronavirus.

Before the start of the course, the specialist recommended taking tests and checking which element is deficient in a person. According to her, it is important to start the course before the disease in order to increase the body's resistance to infection in case of infection.

Named products that can not be consumed during a pandemic