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Orthodontist Oparin explained whether it is necessary to save wisdom teeth

In the United States, as in Russia, there is no single approach to the removal of wisdom teeth after they have erupted, said orthodontist Andrey Oparin.

“Wisdom teeth are rudimentary organs, a little more time will pass from the point of view of evolution, and the rudiments of wisdom teeth will completely cease to be formed in humans. In my experience, in some patients, the rudiments of only two or three wisdom teeth occur, ”he explained.

Speaking about the timing, the specialist emphasized that early removal is preferable. A root is formed at the tooth, which can be, for example, in the form of a hook and it will be much more difficult to remove such a tooth later.

“Early removal is preferable, but not always possible: the rudiments of wisdom teeth are deep in the bone, in order to get close to them, you will need to remove this bone. In the future, a bone defect may form in the area of ​​removal, ”said the orthodontist.

Oparin himself adheres to an individual approach: for some, wisdom teeth are removed in the rudiment, at the age of 10–12 years, and some of the patients are observed and allowed to erupt with wisdom teeth, if there is a favorable prognosis for cutting and affecting the bite.

Previously, I wrote about what questions irritate dentists.

Orthodontist Oparin explained whether it is necessary to save wisdom teeth