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Reuters producer explained the appearance of the USSR anthem on the broadcast from the Maidan

Serhiy Karaziy, producer of TV Reuters in Ukraine, said on Facebook that the Soviet anthem, played during the broadcast from Kiev's Independence Square, was a manifestation of "big city sounds" that are not controlled by the editors.

Note: The audio is amplified in the video as the anthem is hard to hear right off the bat. The original version can be heard here.

Karaziy explained that the angle and place were determined by his desire to demonstrate the "symbol and heart" of the country. To do this, five days ago, he installed a camera on the balcony of the Ukraine Hotel, which functioned automatically without human intervention, and launched a stream from the Maidan.

Therefore, in his opinion, any incidents caught on film are not within the responsibility of the Reuters editors.

“If an accident occurs in the frame, it is not our fault. Just like we can't control the sounds of the big city. I do not rule out that on one of the neighboring balconies someone could turn on the Russian anthem. There are many foreigners there. May be different. The other day I heard someone twirling Verka Serduchka loudly. Well, these are the tastes of people, ”complained Karaziy.

He emphasized the importance of this shooting, since Ukraine has become a key topic on the global news agenda, and many TV channels use such broadcasts for their releases.

“If we had expected potential bombings, we would have installed cameras in other places, there are many strategic objects in Kiev. But no. Just Maidan is important. And it’s beautiful, ”said the agency employee.

Earlier, she told how the Western media expected an “invasion” of Russia.

Reuters producer explained the appearance of the USSR anthem on the broadcast from the Maidan