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Russia - Norwegian scientists named eight symptoms of omicron in vaccinated people

Russia (, - The Omicron strain is extremely contagious and can pierce immune defenses. That is why it is often found in the body of fully vaccinated people. But in those who have been vaccinated, the infection is mild.

Norwegian scientists have named eight of the most common signs of infection "omicron", writes Eurosurveillance.

These are cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever, sneezing, muscle and headache, and feeling tired. Some patients complain of decreased appetite, loss of taste and smell. Symptoms also include difficulty breathing and hyperesthesia - a feeling that the whole body hurts.

As the researchers write, most of those infected had a slight malaise, as with a common cold. Only a few required hospitalization - all of these people were at risk and were over 65 years old. Therefore, vaccination is still considered the best way to avoid the unpleasant consequences of COVID-19.

Russia - Norwegian scientists named eight symptoms of omicron in vaccinated people