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Medieval ships uncovered beneath Tallinn building sites

The remains of several medieval ships have been uncovered in a residential area of Tallinn by builders constructing new apartment buildings.

The National Heritage Board has estimated that the wrecks come from between the 14th and 17th century.
The area used to be part of the sea front and had it’s own port, but in the 1930s it was filled in.

According to preliminary data, three shipsare located in the former seabed sediment.
The NHB now hope to dig out and preserve the ships.

Metro Capital’s chief executive Mart Habakuk described the moment the team found the first ship.
“One day, a digger collided against something in the ground.
“Men stopped the work to have a look and it was immediately clear that it was something historical and we called the National Heritage Board.”

“We are currently working under the guidance of the National Heritage Board to dig the wrecks out, and will then continue with normal construction work.”

Medieval ships uncovered beneath Tallinn building sites