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The ship with passengers lost its course on the way from Vladivostok to Popov Island

The ferry with passengers leaving the port of Vladivostok for the Popov Island lost its speed. This is reported by REN TV.

As a result, the ship's crew managed to start the engines on their own.

This is the second incident with a passenger ship on this route in recent days.

On Sunday, a barge with passengers, which followed from Popov Island, was pulled off the shallows and towed to Vladivostok.

A passenger barge ran aground near Klykov Island due to a broken propeller.

The Primorsky Transport Prosecutor's Office is checking compliance with legislation in the field of navigation safety, and will also assess the organization of the rescue operation.

The ship with passengers lost its course on the way from Vladivostok to Popov Island