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US prepares thousands of soldiers for possible deployment to Europe

The Pentagon has ordered several thousand more soldiers to be put on high alert in the event of a possible deployment to Europe. This is reported by The Wall Street Journal, citing US officials.

According to , the United States is going to transfer about two thousand troops to Poland and Germany, as well as redeploy part of the forces from Germany to Romania.

“In addition, the Pentagon is looking to make other transfers of forces inside Europe and has ordered several thousand more troops to be on standby for deployment, in addition to the 8,500 troops who received similar orders last week,” writes .

In recent months, statements have been made in the West and Ukraine in particular about Russia's allegedly impending "invasion" of Ukraine. In turn, the Kremlin more than once directly denied any plans to attack Ukraine, on the contrary, pointing to the possible preparation of a military operation in the Donbass by Kiev.

Earlier, CNN reported that US President Joe Biden officially approved the deployment of additional US troops in Eastern Europe.

US prepares thousands of soldiers for possible deployment to Europe