Bbabo NET


The State Duma explained the Russophobia of the West by the similarity of the words Moscow and muscles in English

The Russophobia of the West may be related to the similarity in sound in English of the words “Moscow” (Moscow) and “muscles” (muscles), Anatoly Vyborny, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, said in an interview.

“It is curious that the words “muscles” and “Moscow” in English are similar in sound. Maybe this is the psychological reason for Russophobia and the hostility of the West, which makes them present Moscow as an aggressor,” Vyborny said.

He added that this fact is proved by the “absurd mantra: Moscow is playing with its muscles”, which is “like a blueprint” duplicated in the Western media.

“This hysteria can be stopped only when the people of Ukraine categorically say “no” to the so-called external governance of the country and, not in words, but in deeds, choose the path of an independent sovereign state,” Vyborny added.

Read the full text of the interview on the website.

The State Duma explained the Russophobia of the West by the similarity of the words Moscow and muscles in English