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Zakharova demanded that Britain apologize for lying against Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said it was time for the UK to apologize for all the lies London is spreading about Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine. Earlier, the situation around Ukraine was discussed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his British counterpart Elizabeth Truss. However, the negotiations were unsuccessful, Lavrov called them communication "mute with the deaf." How the scandal between the Russian and British Foreign Ministries unfolds - in the review. London convinces both its Britons and the whole world of unreliable information about Ukraine, Zakharova said in Telegram.

“It is time for the British side to apologize for all the lies that its officials have told to their subjects and the world community,” the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman emphasized.

Thus she reacted to the words of the British Minister Truss. She said that she would believe that Moscow had no plans to invade Ukraine only after Russia withdraws all its troops from the Ukrainian border.

“God save them all along with the queen. And more reliable. We didn’t bring troops to the British borders, for example, but “attack”, according to the previous generation of London political thought, we managed to attack Britain in the area of ​​​​the Salisbury spiers, ”Zakharova answered ironically.

Previously, Lavrov and Truss met in Moscow to discuss Ukraine, their talks took place on February 10. At a press conference following the meeting, Lavrov said that he and Truss had "a conversation between the dumb and the deaf."

“We seem to be listening, but we are not hearing. At least, our most detailed explanations, in general, fell on unprepared ground. [Britain's] demand to remove Russian troops from Russian territory has not changed in any way in response to our arguments. This is at least regrettable,” Lavrov explained.

Truss replied that she was not dumb or deaf in conversation with Lavrov. “I certainly wasn’t dumb in our conversation. I have clearly stated the UK's position on the situation. I also listened to Minister Lavrov,” she stressed.

The tension between the two Foreign Ministries was not limited to this pick. At the closed part of the negotiations, as two Kommersant sources said, Truss mixed up the ownership of the Rostov and Voronezh regions. The British minister was sure that they belonged to Ukraine, not Russia.

During the negotiations, Truss demanded that Russia withdraw troops from Ukrainian territory, while Lavrov objected that they were legally on their territory, that is, within Russia. After another demand from Truss for the withdrawal of troops, Lavrov asked her: “You recognize the sovereignty of Russia over the Rostov and Voronezh regions?”

“Great Britain will never recognize Russian sovereignty over these regions,” the Foreign Minister replied after a short pause.

The British Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Deborah Bonnert, had to save the situation. She explained to Truss that we are talking about Russian regions, whose affiliation is beyond doubt. “During the meeting, it seemed to me that Minister Lavrov was talking about a part of Ukraine. I clearly indicated that these areas are part of sovereign Russia, ”Truss later justified.

In addition, the attention of the public was attracted by the moment of the negotiations, which was caught on video. On it, Truss interfered with the work of translators by starting her speech ahead of time. Lavrov silently stopped her with a gesture. Some foreign users felt that Truss showed bad manners or simply demonstrated her inherent impudence.

British columnist Mary Dejevsky, in turn, pointed out that at a meeting with Lavrov, Truss confirmed the worst stereotypes about ignorant and rude British diplomats.

“Lise Truss visited Moscow for a little over a day, but she managed to confirm all the prejudices of Russia about British diplomacy: arrogance, coldness, adherence to hypocritical moralizing about “values,” Dejevsky noted.

The journalist called the Minister's visit to Moscow a disgrace to British diplomacy, as the head of the British Foreign Office showed poor preparation for the negotiations.

The head of the Foreign Ministry herself later stated that Lavrov inflicted some insults on her. “Honestly, I don’t care what insults Sergey Lavrov inflicts on me, I will continue to insist on my own,” Truss said. What exactly were the insults, Truss did not specify.

Zakharova demanded that Britain apologize for lying against Russia