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China cut subsidies for electric vehicles, and sales immediately collapsed

Strong growth in the sale of electric vehicles in different countries is often at least partly due to subsidies provided by the state. Will electric cars be as popular if subsidies are removed?

It turns out that at least initially you can expect a huge decline in sales. According to the source, in China, after the reduction of subsidies for electric vehicles and hybrids, their sales in monthly terms fell by 18.6%. At the same time, subsidies were reduced by only 30%. Of course, there is no linear relationship here, but with the complete elimination of subsidies, a much larger drop in sales can be expected.

More specifically, 431,000 electric and hybrid vehicles were sold in China in January. In annual terms, this still corresponds to an increase of 135.8%. For comparison, 518,000 of these cars were sold in December, but you also need to consider the fact that consumers knew about the upcoming reduction in subsidies, so many rushed to buy a car before the end of 2021.

In total, 2.53 million cars were sold in China in January, that is, electrified cars accounted for about 17% of all sales.

China cut subsidies for electric vehicles, and sales immediately collapsed