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Science & Technology News

X5 Delivery meetup #1

On March 3 at 18:00 X5 Tech will host an online meetup about managing development on a large scale. Experts will answer questions on how to go the way of multiple growth of teams without losing the efficiency and transparency of management, how important it is to maintain a balance between the freedom of teams and company restrictions, what tools and practices can help with this.

Meetup will be useful for Scrum masters, Service Delivery managers, project managers, product owners, service stations and everyone involved in organizing the work of IT teams.



18:00 – Start.

Connecting participants and opening a meetup.

18:10 — Director of the Department of Organizational Development and Implementation of Changes at X5 Tech Ekaterina Zabelina with the topic “On Digital Transformation at X5”.

Abstracts: Adaptation and alignment of the supporting processes of the organization.

18:20 — Vladimir Kiselev, Director of Development Management at X5 Tech, will speak on “From people management to value management. Our path of evolution.


Delivery process at x5. How to survive the rapid growth of development and not lose control.

Digital footprint. Production process analytics.

Regulations do not work or why do we need a production Framework

From team focused to value stream.

18:50 - accredited Kanban trainer, consultant at RealResult / Neogenda Alexey Pimenov will talk about "Scaling Mechanisms from Kanban Practitioners".

Abstracts: Let's briefly analyze the mechanisms that allow you to build an e2e flow, build flow details at different levels, as well as work with dependencies.

19:20 - Enterprise Agility Expert, ScrumTrek partner Alexey Voronin will speak on "How LeSS helped support the rapid growth of e-commerce during a pandemic."

Abstracts: Let's consider the process and features of LeSS implementation in the e-commerce perimeter of a large Russian jewelry company.

19:50 Q&A

We ask questions, find answers and discuss the speakers' reports.

To receive an invitation to an online meeting, you need to register.

Join us, we are waiting for you!

X5 Delivery meetup #1