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Ex-Nintendo CEO skeptical about Facebook's metaverse

Reggie Fils-Aimé, president and chief operating officer of the American division of Nintendo, spoke about Meta (formerly Facebook) and its vision for the metaverse at the Southwest festival. He stated that Meta's current vision of the virtual universe is unlikely to be successful.

"I don't think their current definition [of the metaverse] will be successful," Fils-Aimé said. — Facebook itself is not an innovative company. She either releases and acquires interesting things like Oculus and Instagram, or quickly picks up other people's ideas.

Fils-Aimé believes the future lies with small, innovative companies like Epic Games, which he praised for their work on Fortnite. He also spoke about the Oculus Quest, one of the most popular and affordable VR headsets. Her sales figures did not impress Fils-Aimé.

“The last number I saw was about 20 million VR devices sold, not just Oculus. When I was in charge of Nintendo, those were good hardware sales figures for one year."

The main problem, according to Fils-Aimé, is that Meta is ultimately an advertising company. In his opinion, in order to succeed in creating a metaverse, it needs to focus on the buyer. In other words, developing the metaverse would require it to completely rethink its approach to business. It is also unlikely that the company will be able to buy its way to success, as it has in the past, due to legal issues.

Ex-Nintendo CEO skeptical about Facebook's metaverse