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From gaming smartphones to the metaverse: Xiaomi sells Black Shark Technology to Tencent

Several independent sources confirmed at once that the Chinese company Tencent plans to acquire Black Shark Technology, a gaming mobile phone company. Following the acquisition, Black Shark will be integrated into the Tencent Group Platform and Content Business Group. (PCG) led by Ren Yuxin.

It is also reported that after the deal closes, the hardware manufacturer, which primarily deals with gaming phones, will begin a business transformation. In the future, the focus of Black Shark Technology will shift from gaming phones to virtual reality devices in general. Tencent will present the content, while Black Shark will handle hardware and virtual reality devices. Also, the emphasis will be on the concept of the metaverse, from which Apple is going to stay away for now.

Earlier it was reported that Black Shark Technology will deal with virtual reality devices, but players hope that the manufacturer will continue to produce gaming smartphones. Last year, the company introduced the first NVME SSD for its smartphones.

Recall that the founder of Black Shark Technology is Xiaomi. The acquisition has reportedly already been approved by Xiaomi's top management.

From gaming smartphones to the metaverse: Xiaomi sells Black Shark Technology to Tencent