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Near the earth passed unnoticed major asteroid

The large 35-meter asteroid passed quite closely from our planet at a distance of about 80,000 kilometers, or about one fifth path from the ground to the moon. At the same time, it was not known about his existence for another day before he was in the closest point from the planet.

According to experts, such situations are mainly occurring because space is full of various celestial Tel, and skip one of them easily. But in this case, the reason for which Meteorite , called the name 2016 QA2, remained unnoticed in the fact that it moves along uneven orbit. The asteroid was discovered by the center of the small planets of the International Astronomical Union.

According to NASA, now scientists have been able to record approximately 90% of objects converge with the Earth (OSS), the size of more than 1 kilometer, up to 30% up to 160 meters, and Less than 1% of about 30 meters. The asteroid or comet is classified as an OS, if its perigelium (the orbit closest to the sun) is less than 1.3 AE. (Astronomical unit), where 1 A.E. equal to 149,598,000 km.

Near the earth passed unnoticed major asteroid