Bbabo NET

Society News

Dreaming about Torch

You are holding a burning torch. Soon you will become a leader and you will be able to realize your ambitious plans.

You are lighting the path with a torch. This means that you will find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to life experience and prudence.

You are reading a book, lighting the pages with a torch. Soon you will witness how the prophecies come true.

People with burning torches. This is a sign of riots in the country.

Hand with a torch. In real life, you languish under the influence of others. You are tired of supporting roles. You want freedom.

The torch fell and the house caught fire from its fire. The difficult political and economic situation in the country can turn into a revolutionary situation.

An extinguished torch. In real life, you will not be able to realize your plans. You will be greatly disappointed.

Dreaming about Torch