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A random call saved the lives of three children

In Tyva, a random call from an employment center operator saved three children from a fire, Channel Five reports.

According to the channel, while searching for job seekers, an employee of the employment center Alexandra Lundup dialed another number and heard a child crying.

“I called my parents at work, the children picked up the phone, they cried and shouted loudly,” the girl said.

The child said on the phone that their apartment was on fire. At first, the employee thought it was a prank and hung up, but then called back. Convinced that the children were really in danger, she called firefighters and turned to friends who were close to the burning house.

Her acquaintances, two men, arrived at the scene before the rescuers, broke the bars on the balcony and carried two, three and five-year-old children out of the burning apartment. It turned out that they were left at home alone, and at that time the carpet caught fire from the electric heater.

For their heroism, the men were thanked by the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

In February of this year, a resident of the Indian village Gerda saved her six-year-old daughter by driving away a leopard with a stick.

A random call saved the lives of three children