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Rescuers named the most dangerous entertainment for the New Year

Deputy Head of the Moscow Department for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Fire Safety (GOChSiPB) Andrei Ivanov named the most dangerous entertainment for the New Year, RIA Novosti reports.

“More than 70% of the total number of fires in the capital occurs in the residential sector. And most of them happen through the fault of people, that is, the main reason is careless handling of fire. And during the New Year holidays, lighted decorative candles, Christmas tree garlands, faulty lighting devices, left unattended, can cause a fire. Pyrotechnics, which are actively used these days, also have a high fire hazard, ”Ivanov said.

One of the most dangerous situations, he called the overload of power grids due to the heating devices left behind. The expert suggested getting a fire extinguisher and not forgetting about smoke detectors.

Earlier, the Russians were given advice on the choice of wine for the New Year's table.

Rescuers named the most dangerous entertainment for the New Year