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Russia - Scientists have proven that early breakfast allows you to lose weight faster

Russia (, - A group of Japanese scientists came to an unexpected conclusion during a study of food absorption and the effectiveness of diets. It turned out that the earlier breakfast happens, the more likely you are to lose weight.

As follows from a publication in the journal Nutrients, scientists analyzed the progress of weight loss in 109 subjects aged 39 to 55 years with a body mass index of 22 to 29. All participants underwent a 12-week weight loss program. The tasks were not exhausting, the participants were required to reduce the calorie content of food consumed by 100 kilocalories and walk 1000 steps more than usual per day.

The scientists noticed that participants with an earlier onset of the food window lost weight faster, that is, those who had eaten breakfast earlier. Half of the participants in the experiment had breakfast between 6.20 and 7.10, the rest - 8.10-9.15. It turned out that the participants in the first group lost 3.8 percent of their weight according to the results of the program, and the second - 2.2 percent.

The study notes that dietitians tend to focus on the balance between energy expenditure and calorie intake when designing weight loss programs for obese patients. But the work of Japanese scientists proves that the circadian clock can also influence energy regulation.

How do you explain the effectiveness of an early breakfast? The researchers note that later meals can increase levels of C-reactive protein, insulin, glucose, and lipoproteins.

Much depends on the person himself. People who started the day with an early and fairly hearty breakfast were more physically active in the first half of the day than those who ate later. Accordingly, food was better absorbed, which accelerated the process of losing weight.

Russia - Scientists have proven that early breakfast allows you to lose weight faster